How is it going? I am doing very well here! Conference was so sweet! I got to watch it in English, we watched it in the chapel here. There were so many good messages. I really liked both of Pres. Uchtdorf's, he is always good! Pres. Eyring gave a good one too in priesthood session that talked about member missionary work (too bad we only had 6 members there)! Its all cool though, oh and also, I am proud (and a little ashamed) to say that this was the first conference that I was awake for every minute! It was weird with the time change though, priesthood didn't start until 9 and we didn't get home until like 11:30. I am really sad now that conference is over and I have to wait 6 more months for the next one.
Elder Heleno left on Saturday morning, it is weird without him. But it is all good I am happy that I am not being trained anymore! We still don't know the transfer info though, sometime today someone is going to tell us. I think that I will stay here though. Oh, they just told me, my new comps name is Elder Araùjo. I will meet him tomorrow.
The whole missionties thing is complicated. Sometimes I get letters fast, other times they take a long time to get here. I did get my blessing though, thanks! Sounds like Mason and Mom's trip was awesome, that is good to hear. I am a little jealous.
I had a pretty wicked cold last week! It was rough,but I am doing good now. The meds that mom sent me with helped, so that's real good, Thanks mom!
Things are going real well here though! It was cold for a little while but the past week has been really hot, the weather is kinda crazy. I can't really think of much else to write, it is crazy that school is almost over and summer is going to start really soon. And Kayc is getting married in like 5 weeks or something! That is very cool! I am having a very hard time thinking of stuff to write right now, I don't know why. But things here are normal, we just keep working! I am grateful for the Prophet and Apostles that we have today, I have no doubt that they are men inspired and chosen by God and that they really do communicate with Him!
I Love you guys tons and tons!
Elder Stringer