Serving as a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Santa Maria, Brazil

Thursday, April 11, 2013


Hey Kids!

How is it going? I am doing very well here! Conference was so sweet! I got to watch it in English, we watched it in the chapel here. There were so many good messages. I really liked both of Pres. Uchtdorf's, he is always good! Pres. Eyring gave a good one too in priesthood session that talked about member missionary work (too bad we only had 6 members there)! Its all cool though, oh and also, I am proud (and a little ashamed) to say that this was the first conference that I was awake for every minute! It was weird with the time change though, priesthood didn't start until 9 and we didn't get home until like 11:30. I am really sad now that conference is over and I have to wait 6 more months for the next one.

Elder Heleno left on Saturday morning, it is weird without him. But it is all good I am happy that I am not being trained anymore! We still don't know the transfer info though, sometime today someone is going to tell us. I think that I will stay here though. Oh, they just told me, my new comps name is Elder Araùjo. I will meet him tomorrow.

The whole missionties thing is complicated. Sometimes I get letters fast, other times they take a long time to get here. I did get my blessing though, thanks! Sounds like Mason and Mom's trip was awesome, that is good to hear. I am a little jealous.

I had a pretty wicked cold last week! It was rough,but I am doing good now. The meds that mom sent me with helped, so that's real good, Thanks mom!

Things are going real well here though! It was cold for a little while but the past week has been really hot, the weather is kinda crazy. I can't really think of much else to write, it is crazy that school is almost over and summer is going to start really soon. And Kayc is getting married in like 5 weeks or something! That is very cool! I am having a very hard time thinking of stuff to write right now, I don't know why. But things here are normal, we just keep working! I am grateful for the Prophet and Apostles that we have today, I have no doubt that they are men inspired and chosen by God and that they really do communicate with Him!

I Love you guys tons and tons!

Elder Stringer


Hey Guys!

How is it going?! I hope that all is well! We had a good busy week. Our baptisms all worked out! The service went really well. Also, since Easter was this week we had some festivities. We ate a whole lot of fish on Holy Friday. For the Catholics, it is a sin to eat red meat. And all the members eat fish too. It was a nice change from the rice and beans. I don't know why, but my mind just blanked.

One of our baptisms, Fatima, was really special. she had been receiving missionaries for years and never even been in the church. She told us that it was our testimonies that made her want to go. I know that the Lord prepared her for us and I have no doubts that she will stay strong in the church!  Another one of our baptisms was Claudio, a gypsy. I baptized him. I think that it is pretty cool that I can say that I baptized a gypsy! 

This is my last week with Elder Heleno. He is great and very excited to go home! haha. He has been counting the days since day 50 I think! But he works really hard and I am really glad that he was my first companion. I had (real) churrasco for the first time a couple of weeks ago!!! It was really good! I am excited to get a little rest today! Last night there was a mosquito flying around my head and buzzing in my ear. I kept slapping myself in the face! Needless to say, i didn't sleep too great. I am jealous that you guys have spring break right now. I think that I could use a week off right about now! HAHA. I guess that i will have to wait a little while for that.

Well, it was cool that we had our baptisms, but now we have to find some more people to teach. This part kind of blows. We have a descent teaching pool right now but we need to build it up a little. I am trying to think of other things to write, but honestly I can't remember much it all blurs. 

I love you guys so much!!!!! I hope that you have an incredible spring break! (Except KC who already had one), but I hope that KC has an incredible week too! Hee hee. Congrats to Mason! Love you guys tons! Have a good one!

Elder Stringer

Excluding the possibility that a female olympian from Yugoslavia was on our roof last night, what else do we have?


How are you? I hope that things are very well over there. Things are very well here. If all goes according to plan, we will have 3 baptisms this Saturday. Hopefully, I will send some good pics next Monday! Its good to hear from all of you! I love your emails, even when they talk about having fun without me and March Madness. Dads email about all the crazy stuff that's happening in the tourney practically killed me. But its all good. I guess...

Anyway, lets see... I don't really know what to say. A lot of stuff happens here, but I can't remember any of it. Anything beyond 3 days ago blends into the last 4 months. I know that families are essential to my exaltation, but after that I am in no hurry to get married. Which is good cuz I can go rafting with Ash and John!

Elder Heleno is getting ready to go home, he leaves the week after conference. He's pretty excited, he likes to tell everybody how many days he has left. Haha, he's funny, I will miss him. I don't know if you can tell from the pic but I'm getting fat. I should start exercising  And also I found the great and spacious building! It was in the middle of no where and was really weird because I've never seen it before but its huge! Anyway so I thought that that was interesting. 

I don't know if the quote at the top is correct, but I tried my hardest. I love you guys a ton and I am sorry that I didn't write very much. But I know that this gospel changes lives. I have seen it. And if nothing else, it is a good thing. I know that it is true. It works. It is amazing, the greatest blessing. I am super grateful to be here. I am glad that I get to wake up at 6:30 every morning. I am happy that I am here. I love you all a lot and I know that these 2 years will change my life. I have realized the importance of the mission. It will mold me into who I can become, who Heavenly Father wants me to become. 

Love you guys!
