Serving as a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Santa Maria, Brazil

Thursday, February 14, 2013


Opa Família!

How are things in Utah!? Or the fabrica (factory) as the people call it down here! I hope that things are going well! Let's see, yesterday we marked a baptismal date for Feb. 23 with one of our investigators who has been very difficult! He is very firmly set on the Bible and would always try and find something to prove us wrong.

Other than that, life is normal here! My feet are wrecked, haha you should see them! They are all sorts of different colors with dead skin and mosquito bites all over! Ha! It's good though, I'm having a good time! I don't know if mom remembers but the umbrella that I brought is tiny! It hardly covers me! When I use it I feel like how I imagine John felt with his pillow in the airport! Luckily its only sprinkled here! I think that a real storm would destroy it. I'll probably buy another one some time. Also its still super hot here! Ha, I can wring the sweat out of my shirts at the end of the night! You get used to it eventually. 

We've been working really hard. Teaching lots of lessons and stuff! Three times this week we've had to run home at 9:25 trying to make it back on time! Its terrible, I hate it, I haven't run that much since 8th grade in Mr. Boban's class! Hopefully I will come home in one piece  Has Topshot started again, if so, what's going on? Or Psych? I think that starts next week. Hows BYU? Are they going to make the tourney? Have they played Zaga or St. Mary yet? The Jazz? Churchball? What happened there? And I was wondering if you could send me the recipe for breakfast cake and a simple choc chip cookie one too? Hehe. I'm trying to think of what else that I could write for you, but I don't know. The days here just kind of blur together and I can't remember much. Oh, Carnaval is going on right now! It all happens at night so nothing is different for us! The youth of the church all go to a youth conference type thing during Carnaval so they've been gone for the past couple days. We've got a couple of pretty serious investigators that we are trying to get baptized, I will let you know what happens with that though! I had a dream the other night and the only part that I remember was that Billy Ray Cyrus was in it!! I don't know what this means, but it has to be significant right? 

My personal goal as of late has been to lose myself in the work. I am very frequently thinking of home and this must stop! I have already given the Lord my might and my strength, but I need to give him my mind and my heart now. I think that this will help a lot and if I do this He will turn me into what He wants me to be! It's really hard though when I have been blessed with so many great memories and know that I will have many more, but that is what I must do. I am here to serve and I gotta give it my all! You are all excellent examples of this to me! I love you guys ton and I will try to remember stuff this week that I can write so that I will write more!! Love you lots.

Elder Stringer

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