The training is going really well, Elder Dias is super
cool and I have never wanted to help someone so much in my life as I want to help him now. More info on him, he is 20 and he played soccer
professionally for a short period of time. Pretty neat right?!
I was happy to hear that Ash and John got jobs. Good work (if I were my old self I would make a joke about them finally
moving out of mom´s basement.) hehe, but I've changed, I am a newer and
better person. Also good to hear that Kayci and Preston got callings. Preston is the mission leader and I am expecting weekly number reports. Let's make a goal to baptize weekly.
I met President Parrela on Friday. He is
ridiculously awesome. Seriously I think he is great and I am super
excited to work with him. One of our goals as a mission is to baptize
500 people per month, which we have never done or come close to doing,
but he has a plan and I am super excited to get to work. Sister Parrela
is cool too. She talked for 3 hours straight about food. I am going to
buy prunes today and clean out my system. Also she is making us all eat
honey from now on. I like honey so it is all good (also John the
Baptist ate honey all the time and he baptized quite a few people).
It isn't too cold here, I am doing well. It should be colder in the truth.
This week passed really quickly and I think things
will continue and before we know it school will have started already! And you guys will have to stop having so much fun!
and have a great week.
Elder Stringer
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