Serving as a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Santa Maria, Brazil

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Transfer News!!


It is a good thing that you all sent the box to the mission home. The 12 weeks of training have come to an end, and the transfer is here. I am going to leave Ijuí and am heading for Uruguiana, it is the second biggest city in the mission (I think) and it is right on the border of Uruguay and Argentina. I am pretty excited, I think that it will be cool. I also heard that it is really hot and I will be there right for the middle of summer I think. Usually we find out about transfers on Monday, but President Parrela called on Friday and said that I was going. The news spread through the ward real quick and people have just been giving us food and all sorts of stuff and I think that I liked it better when we found out on Monday, cuz everyone is making a bigger deal about it. Also it is pretty far away, like 7 hour bus ride from Santa Maria.

I was also called to be the district leader there. I heard that it is the mission's biggest district, but I don't really know. I am nervous and excited at the same time, it makes me happy to know that the Lord and President Parrela have this trust in me.

We had an awesome experience on Saturday! We got permission to leave the city and do a service project with the ward at our ward mission leaders vineyard. It was one of the most prettiest places that I have ever seen and it was great to be there with the ward members! And we had a churrasco too! It was a lot of meat and they didn't have plates or anything so you just had to use your hands! the gaúcho knows how to live my friends!! hahahah!!!!

I am going to miss Elder Dias, he was a great companion and it was awesome to be his first companion. 

I don't really have much else to say... I am doing well though and I have a ton load of packing to do today, which is super annoying. I am excited to get my bday package and I am pretty sure that I will not have the will power and strength to not open it if I get it before November 10!

I know that this email is short, but what do you do? I am really grateful to have served here and I made some great friends that I will never forget! I grew and learned a lot here and am sad to have to say goodbye.

I love ya'll a ton and hope that this week is off of the hook!

Elder Stringer


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