Serving as a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Santa Maria, Brazil

Monday, May 6, 2013

Baptism and flooded streets

Hey Kids!!!
This week was a good one! We had a baptism of a investigator that we have been teaching for about three months now! Next weekend is going to be off the hook! Saturday-KC´s wedding, Sunday-Mothers day, Monday-Pday, Tuesday-Transfer day. I know that I will leave the area that I am in. President is going to put sisters in our area, which basically guarantees that I will head out of São Gabriel (unless I went to the other area here). So next Monday I will give you the details! I'm super stoked to talk to y'all Sunday!  I am super excited, I hope that this week doesn't drag because I am so excited.
I got the announcement for Kaycs wedding, it was very cool! I liked it a lot! I have been carrying it with me and showing it to everyone! It makes for really good conversation and the people are more willing to open up to us when we open up to them. I can't believe that Kayc is getting married! It is crazy! I'm excited for you! I was going to take a picture holding a sign that said "Parabens em seu casamento" but I couldn't find the time. Sorry, I am lazy. Maybe I will take it next week.
The Portuguese is coming along very well, I honestly feel that where I am right now is good enough to do missionary work.  Like I could survive if I didn't get any better for the rest of my mission. Luckily I will get better though and hopefully I can drop my accent!
This Friday it rained all day and the streets were flooded, we found one street that was a river, it was crazy! I tried to jump from a rock to another one so that I wouldn't get wet, but I came up short and my leg was soaked! I am getting fat here, it is starting to get sad. I've gained like 15 pounds. The tangerines here are coming in season too! There are tangerine trees all over the place and you can just pick them whenever you want, it is super cool!
Congrats to John and Preston, I am proud of you guys. I wont lie, there were times when I thought you guys might not make it. Haha, but you did! Good Job! I am proud of you!
Random tidbit, I am listening to JB christmas music right now in the Lan House. It is really kind of weird.
But anyway... I am super excited for Sunday! I love you guys a ton and can't wait to talk to you!!
Elder Stringer

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