Serving as a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Santa Maria, Brazil

Thursday, May 2, 2013


To my fans and subjects throughout the world:
Monday April 15
I have some exciting news this week. We had a baptism on Saturday. This one was very special, we found Thayna teaching her aunt and she told us that her husband was a member and she already knew about the church. We went to her house and taught her and her husband, Anderson. They are very special and we were able to reactivate Anderson and he baptized Thayna! They are expecting a child and I am happy to know that this kid can grow up in the church and maybe one day he/she will even serve a mission! What an awesome thing!

Also, our electricity got cut this Friday. We have been living without it since then. We have to use candles at night to do our planning and what not. On the "bright" side, our fridge was desperately needing to be defrosted, and now it is! Its pretty neat but I hope that we can figure out a way to get it back soon. It is real good that we have the couple missionaries here, they let us take hot showers at their house.

Elder Araújo is very cool. He has been a member for 3 years now, he has 9 months on the mission and he is very obedient. We are working hard here and hopefully we can have some success in the next 4 weeks. I think that after this transfer I will probably leave for another city. I don't know but that is just what I think. It is good to hear that y'all are doing well back at home! I am doing well here. It is hard and different without Elder Heleno here, I didn't think that I would miss him as much as I do, but it is all good.  I can do this.

I feel like I should write more but I don't really have much to write. I am doing well here, even when it is hard. It is amazing how time passes, it just passes. And it feels kind of slow in the moment, but when you look back on it it was fast. Just like that one time when Captain Jean Luc Picard stopped time and saved that one lady from the rocks. He really knew how to live in the moment! Anyway...  (I miss Captain Picard)

I love you guys a lot! I want you to know that I am working really hard! Our mission had 119 baptisms last month! It is a record for our mission! But 119 is a small number compared to a lot of other missions in Brazil. Haha, I was surprised to hear that we were one of the least baptizing missions in Brazil. Haha, but it is good! I am working hard and things will work out! I love you guys more than you know!

Until next week,


Elder Stringer

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